September 2014

Otaki says ‘farewell’ to Edhouses after 91 years

Some years ago, a button came off my corduroy jacket. I asked my wife if she had a replacement. No luck. In desperation, I took the jacket to Edhouses, and asked the woman behind the counter if they sold buttons. She took me to the habadashery department. Needless to say there were more buttons than you would believe, and I came away with an exact match. That's what Edhouses has always been about.


Otaki says ‘farewell’ to Edhouses after 91 years

Some years ago, a button came off my corduroy jacket. I asked my wife if she had a replacement. No luck. In desperation, I took the jacket to Edhouses, and asked the woman behind the counter if they sold buttons. She took me to the habadashery department. Needless to say there were more buttons than you would believe, and I came away with an exact match. That's what Edhouses has always been about.

Roses at Trinity Farm, Spring 2014

Anna-Marie de Montravel – the perfect rose for a small garden or a pot My mother told me that my first school report said “Karen...


Roses at Trinity Farm, Spring 2014

Anna-Marie de Montravel – the perfect rose for a small garden or a pot My mother told me that my first school report said “Karen...

What’s new at Watsons Gardens in Spring 2014

Spring is here, now’s the time to get planting!   Tomatoes Watsons have twenty varieties ready now, from the relaible Watsons Special to Moneymaker, Heritage and cherry tomatoes. Capsicum Red,...

Focus on growing chillies

 Hot is the operative word for these super-charged veggies, in looks, taste and growth requirements. Chillies come from the same species (capsicum annum) as sweet...

A time of daffodils

As soon as a splash of yellow appears I know spring is on its way. The bright, nodding blooms signal the end of winter’s...

Thumbs up, Thumbs down

Thumbs up

  • R-ThumbsupTe Horo School and their Home and School Committee for raising a record $27,242 from the recent Paddy’s Mart.
  • Thank you to the woman who saw the ducklings killed and pulled over, spoke to some of our tamariki and they all helped her to pick these babies up off the road, and then buried them.
  • Cancer Society volunteers who collected on Daffodil Day.

Thumbs down

  • R-ThumbsdownTo the speeding idiots who ran over a family of ducklings outside Te Kura-a-Iwi o Whakatupuranga Rua Mano on Tasman Road – leaving little duckling bodies lying on the road for the little kids to find.
  • Fonterra: with dairy returns plummeting, why is the price of milk in New Zealand so absurdly high ?
  • To the ratbags who broke in and stole from a local builder’s Show Home.

Taking Ōtaki's Pulse

Cancer Society Stop Smoking Campaign

Smokers will be urged to stub out for good this October in New Zealand’s first national stop smoking month – Stoptober. The ground-breaking new...

Working for Kids

In its June editorial the Otaki Mail advocated putting kids at the forefront of all decisions, and now Otaki and Horowhenua are the beneficiaries...


Bring old photos to expo

 The Otaki Historical Society is hoping people will bring their old photos to the Community Expo next month. The historical society wants to build its...

Otaki Museum » September 2014

OTAKI MUSEUM Interest continues in the current exhibition “Otaki Remembers World War I”. The Roll of Honour is of special interest to local families and...


Yarn bombing hits Riverstone cafe tree

  A unique piece of public art has appeared on the cherry tree at RiverStone Cafe. The tree has been “yarn-bombed” with multi-coloured knitting designed to...

MenzShed Update » September 2014

The final workbench at the Shed has been finished and fitted with a wood working vice which was kindly dropped in by a casual...

Business, industry & farming

Otaki says ‘farewell’ to Edhouses after 91 years

Some years ago, a button came off my corduroy jacket. I asked my wife if she had a replacement. No luck. In desperation, I took the jacket to Edhouses, and asked the woman behind the counter if they sold buttons. She took me to the habadashery department. Needless to say there were more buttons than you would believe, and I came away with an exact match. That's what Edhouses has always been about.

The family-friendly cafe of choice

Since Jeanine Cornelius and Brent Havis took over nearly two years ago, RiverStone Cafe has become the family-friendly cafe of choice in Otaki. Located at...

Sports, arts, music & entertainment

Children’s art project features at Mahara Gallery

By VIVIENNE BAILEY WAI ORA ki TONGA/WATER LIFE in the SOUTH is a Mahara Gallery art project linked with Paekakariki, Kapiti, Paraparaumu and St Patrick’s...

KCDC Update

Otaki Kids Safe Crossing Group Plant Natives

On September 3, Shelly Warwick and some community volunteers planted 80 natives in County Road, near the underpass. The underpass provides safe passage to...

Otaki Community Board September 2014

By MARGARET ANDREWS Otaki Community Board chair, James Cootes, welcomed people to the September 2 meeting, stating Kapiti Mayor Ross Church and KCDC staff members...


The Bee Dilemma

  By Penny Kerr-Hislop Honey bees can no longer survive on their own either in the wild or in hive colonies. They must be managed and...

Otaki River Walkover draws record crowd

By MARGARET ANDREWS On a sunny spring day a record 150 people took part in the recent annual Otaki River walkover, to view the ongoing...

Our people

Don Edhouse, his quest for speed

Don's first car was a 1926 Willys Knight that he inherited from his father. It had running-boards and a soft top.         Next was a 'special', that...

Otaki says ‘farewell’ to Edhouses after 91 years

Some years ago, a button came off my corduroy jacket. I asked my wife if she had a replacement. No luck. In desperation, I took the jacket to Edhouses, and asked the woman behind the counter if they sold buttons. She took me to the habadashery department. Needless to say there were more buttons than you would believe, and I came away with an exact match. That's what Edhouses has always been about.
