MenzShed Update » September 2014


The final workbench at the Shed has been finished and fitted with a wood working vice which was kindly dropped in by a casual donor. A big thank you to everyone who has helped in getting our three workshops up and running in such a short time.

We are now installing the 200 litre emergency rainwater tanks for elderly folk in the Otaki district. The tanks are available to purchase at the Council counter in the Library, Watsons Nursery in Bell Street, as well as the Council Chambers in Paraparaumu. Our happy chappies will hookone up in 1/2 an hour or so for a modest koha of $25 – $35. If you need a tank fitted just phone Valdis on 364 5636 or Ian on 364 8342 who will organise for someone to come and plan the installation and arrange a suitable time to do the job.

All work and no play makes us dull and tired, so we have made the last Wednesday of the month ‘ Play Day’. Off came the cover from the pool table, the balls were racked up and two to a side elimination competition was on it’s way – many missed balls, wrong colours sunk and lots of cheer and laughter filled the afternoon. There was also merriment at the dart board with quite a few stray darts and some mischief by the scorers. All ended well with a good relaxing time had by all. Now it’s back to work making toys ready for the festive season and no doubt painting jobs and other requests will pop up now that the sun is shining more and the days are longer for barbecues and outside living.

We are now looking for sponsors for the Shed so that we can be sure to cover the power bill and insurance each month. We will give sponsors advertising exposure on the Shed, our stationery, our Facebook web page and more. Sponsorship of the MenzShed is a tax deductable charitable donation. Phone Valdis on 364 5636 (he’s an ex ad man) to see how your business could benefit and we can keep on serving the Otaki community.Se14_Menzshed