Roses at Trinity Farm, Spring 2014


Anna-Marie de Montravel – the perfect rose for a small garden or a pot

My mother told me that my first school report said “Karen is a dear little girl”. I am not sure what to make of that but I do know Anna-Marie de Montravel can definitely be described as a dear little rose. It was bred in France in 1879 and is variously described as a china or a polyantha and sometimes it is called Anna Maria de Montravel.

The bush only grows to about 60cm in height so is perfect for the front of a border or in a pot. It has clusters of tiny, fully double, globular, white blooms with a sweet fragrance reminiscent of lily-of-the-valley. The dense twiggy growth, with dark green, small leaves look delicate but disguise a tough little rose, with fewer thorns than most roses. Anna-Marie de Montravel is easy to grow and will repeat bloom throughout the season. She also makes a perfect gift.Se_14_TFad