October 2015

Andrew Little’s day in Ōtaki

On Friday September 14, Labour’s leader, together with a gaggle of senior Labour MPs descended on our town to meet locals, culminating in the Margaret Long memorial speech in the evening.


Ko Te Toronga Mai o Ngā Mema o Te Pati Reipa

I tērā wiki, i tērā Rāmere, i tae mai ngā mema paremata o Reipa ki Te Kura ā Iwi o Whakatupuranga Rua Mano. Kātahi...

Changes at Pukekaraka

In some changes at Pukekaraka a new parish has been announced and pastoral care will now be given by the Archdiocese of Wellington. The new...


Garden tasks for October

Flower Garden Check roses for signs of downy mildew or pest damage, and spray if necessary. You could also check roses and other vulnerable plants with...

Focus on growing rhubarb

Many of us regard this hardy perennial as a fruit, but rhubarb is an easy to grow vegetable, which can be eaten in savoury...

Taking Ōtaki's Pulse


Otaki Historical Society October meeting: Rangiuru ki te moana

The next public meeting will be held at Rotary Hall at 7.30 pm on Tuesday 6 October 2015.   The speaker at will be well...

Ōtaki Health Camp Research Project

Ōtaki Beach resident Di Buchan, with support  from the Ōtaki Historical Society is researching the experiences of people living and working at Ōtaki Health...

Thumbs up, Thumbs down

Thumbs up


  • Whitebaiting
  • Ogo Wheelchair, one of 6 finalists in the Innovations’ Awards
  • Daylight Saving
  • Energise Ōtaki
  • Sunny Ōtaki
  • 50% of Maori in Ōtaki now speak te reo

Thumbs down


  • Cemetery Vandals – hurtful and disrespectful.

Sports, arts, music & entertainment

Kāpiti Arts Trail showcases work of local artists

The work of 34 artists from Ōtaki and Te Horo will be showcased during this year’s Kāpiti Arts Trail. Paintings, pottery, jewellery, ceramics, glass art,...

Ōtaki Netballers Triumph!

Rahui Taiohi is a combined team from Te Kura-a-iwi o Whakatupuranga Rua Mano and Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Te Rito o Raukawa.  The...


Kapiti Island — a treasure on our doorstep

Kapiti Island is omnipresent. Driving over Pukerua Bay hill, it’s in your face. All along the coast, it’s there. From Ōtaki Beach looking South...

Mayor attends Otaki River walkover

Mayor Ross Church with fellow walkers on the recent 2015 Ōtaki River Walkover, says the annual event was the best ever, with about 200...

Land Search and Rescue to the rescue

The fifth annual Big Bang Adventure Race will take place on a top secret course within the Kapiti / Horowhenua region on 7th November...

Business, industry, farming

An industry with opportunity

The Civil Construction industry has seen a real boost on the Kapiti Coast with work on the MacKays to Peka Peka (M2PP) in full...

Business commentator coming to town

High-profile business journalist Rod Oram is coming to Ōtaki to talk about the place the town has in the worldwide energy revolution. Council is a...