Ko Te Toronga Mai o Ngā Mema o Te Pati Reipa


I tērā wiki, i tērā Rāmere, i tae mai ngā mema paremata o Reipa ki Te Kura ā Iwi o Whakatupuranga Rua Mano. Kātahi te pai ki te kite i a rātou, ahakoa he tuatahitanga tēnei ki a mātou o te kura. He ope whakaeke. Nā Peny Gaylor i tono. 

OC15_AndrewLittleatKura.jpgKo Louissa Wall, Adrian Rurawhe, ko ngā mema Māori o te pati, rātou ko Andrew Little, upoko matua o te pati o Reipa.

I pōwhiritia rātou e te kura. Ka mihi, ka houhou i te rongo pai. Ā, i noho tonu ngā mema ki te whakanui i tō mātou wā tuku taonga ki ngā tamariki.

Āhua tauhau ngā tamariki ki te hunga whakaeke, engari i whakamarama atu ko wai rātou nō whea rātou, ā, he aha āu rātou kawenga. Kua kite ētehi o ngā tamariki i ngā mata kit e pouaka whakata, engari tē marama i ngā tū mahi, me kī te take kua tae mai kit e kura. Ahakoa tērā, i manawanui, he miharo ngā tamariki ki te whakarongo i ngā tūāhua o te hunga whakaeke, nō te pati torangapu o Reipa.  Ehara i te hanga, i tae mai ki te kura. He tuatahitanga tērā mā rātou ki te noho, ki te mātai ake i ngā tamariki e whakahaeretia e te reo Māori. Kaiako mai, tamariki mai.

Ka mutu, ka kapu tī ngā kaiako me ngā manuhiri, ā, ka whakawhiti kōrero, ka tuku pātai. Ka kōrerotia te kura me ā mātou tūāhuatanga katoa. He tangata humarie, he tangata ngakau whakaiti rātou katoa, otira ko Andrew Little. Kāore kau i te whakamanawa nui me ngā mihi whakamiharo ki ngā tūāhuatanga o te kura.

Nā mātou te whiwhi, nā rātou te maringanui i tae mai ki te kura. Ā, ina te pai o te nohotahitanga me ngā tangata whakahaere o te motu. Kei whea mai. Ko te tumanaako ia ka whai wāhi tātou, ko ngā kura Māori, kura kaupapa rānei i roto i ngā tū whitiwhitinga kōrero o te whare paremata ā ngā rā ki tua. A taihoa ake ka kite.

Nāku nei, Sam Doyle
Tumuaki o Te Kura ā Iwi o Whakatupuranga Rua Mano

See also: Andrew Little’s day in Ōtaki

Last week on Friday members of the Reipa parliament arrived at e Kura ā Iwi o Whakatupuranga Rua Mano.  How lovely it was to see them even though it’s a first for us the kura. They are a group na Penny Gaylor. Louissa Wall and Adrian Rurawhe are Maori representatives of the party as well as Andrew Little. 

Welcomed by the kura. The members stayed for the kids prize giving.

This was quite new to the kids, it was said who and where the members where and what their place was. Some of the kids mentioned that they seemed a bit familiar with the faces and have seen them on TV before. It was great to see and hear what they had to say.  

Once that it over a cup of tea is made for the teachers and visitors, we all sit down and have a chat questions and answers.  The school talks about how humble, inspiring and different it was to have their company. 

It is our pleasure and how lucky we are to have had them at our kura, if only united we all were, where would we be,  the hope is that we find a place, kura Maori as well as kura kaupapa in parliament for the days to come, we will see.  

Sam Doyle 
Principal of Te Kura ā Iwi o Whakatupuranga Rua Mano