I have become aware that there are folk who either did not know we are here or had forgotten so maybe it’s timely to give you an update about us.
We are a small rest home, previously known as Cartreff, able to accommodate 21 residents. Several years ago we had a name change to Ocean View, better reflecting our location by the sea with stunning views of Kapiti Island. There is always some activity happening at the beach — people walking, or fishing etc. Built in 1926, it was originally a children’s home and has been a Rest Home for nearly 50 years. We liken ourselves to a large home where residents can live as if they are in their own homes but have the care and supervision they require to be safe. Residents are able to wander freely at their leisure, and families and friends are encouraged to visit and take their loved ones out for the day or even overnight stays.
There are no shared rooms unless a couple are requiring care. Residents are encouraged to individualise and furnish their rooms with items from their home as it can make the transition into care a little less stressful.
Toilets and showers are near to all the bedrooms. These facilities are appropriately maintained to keep it in a safe, clean and pleasant state.
There is one lounge and dining room for the residents with good access to the garden and surrounding decked areas, seating and umbrellas. There is plenty of car parking space for visitors.
Being small, we are in the enviable position of being able to spend time with each resident, ensuring that individual needs are being met. If someone wants breakfast in bed and a lie in till later that’s OK. If they are an early birds that’s OK too.
Our on-site kitchen provides healthy home cooked meals, and morning and afternoon teas. Special diets and preferences are catered for. Birthdays are celebrated and if family members bring in something special for their loved ones that too is acceptable. We also encourage partners/husband/wives of our residents to join us for a meal if they would like after all that is what it was like when they were living at home.
Residents are kept busy with a full and varied recreation programme, overseen by June Simpson who is always looking for new and exciting performers or places to visit. Recent outings have been to the ballroom dancing in Palmerston North, a picnic at Horowhenua Lake, Otaki Players production Joseph and the Technicolour Dream Coat as well as movies. We maintain links with community organisations eg senior Citizens and the RSA… and then there are all the activities here at the home. An extensive list to activities from indoor bowls, word games to entertainment by various musicians is arranged to keep our residents happy and occupied. There is always a walk along the parade or just a quite sit outside admiring the view. Interests that were previously enjoyed are incorporated into the activity programmes as much as possible.
Our van is available to take residents to appointments and shopping as required. Regular visits are made to the rest home by the local Doctor, Podiatrist and Hair dresser.
We also provide a respite service both on a daily basis or overnight which are decided by Support Links following a referral through your health professional. Providing a break to those who are caring for their elderly folk at home by allocating care days for them is a critical part of our whole of family approach. If you would like to know more about this service please contact us and we will be able to assist you get the necessary information.
We have recently employed three registered nurses and an Enrolled Nurse who all have brought different skill sets but all have an interest in Aged Care. Welcome to Dorothy, Hana, David and Chrissie. They will also provide after hours cover to support the care givers on duty.
Professional development is important and our twenty one care givers are all encouraged to undertake various studies related to Aged Care. This year we have just had four staff complete their Foundations Skills course via Careerforce and another four starting.
Ocean View currently has some vacancies for permanent Rest Home level care so if you are thinking of this option please contact us and we can tell you what steps you need to take. Please come and visit us at any time if you would like to have a look or pick up an information pack and meet our friendly staff.
To maintain our residents privacy while cares are being done we respectfully ask that visiting takes place between the hours of 10am and 8pm. Of course you can come outside these hours but please call the rest home beforehand.