The Civic Chat » September 2014


The last show we staged is well over now. Our next production is being auditioned and prepared. It will be well worth attending I’m sure. To find out a bit more about it I recommend you visit our web site:

Meanwhile I am feeling reflective. Sombody once said…

“The theatre is a tragic place, full of endings and partings and heartbreak. You dedicate yourself passionately to something, to a project, to people, to a family, you think of nothing else for weeks and months, then suddenly it’s over, it’s perpetual destruction, perpetual divorce, perpetual adieu. It’s like éternel retour, it’s a koan. It’s like falling in love and being smashed over and over again.”

That’s grim, but any of you who have been in a production will recognise something in that.

On the bright side the theatre is a terrific place, full of beginnings and reward. A place where you can get passionately involved in performing arts, meet new friends, join a team and enjoy the satisfaction of a job well done.

Involvement can be across a very wide spectrum. Acting, singing, directing, lighting, sound production, set construction, advertising. Perhaps you might just want to join us with membership and take a closer interest…. Help out where you can and see what takes your fancy.

A while ago someone new to Otaki just dropped in on us during a working bee. No previous theatre experience, she was merely curious as to what we were up to. She has since become a stalwart part of our society…a regular on stage, a production director, committee member and good friend.

So if you are ever passing the Civic, and the doors are open, and you are interested in what we get up to, why not pop in and meet us? Maybe you will get just a friendly chat and then you will leave. Maybe you will end up joining us and starring in a major musical production or riveting piece of drama.

But, back to my feeling reflective. Let me leave you with this final thought…

If you watch carefully, the face of a good actor can say it all… especially the mouth part of the face.

Bye for now
