Watsons Gardens – Plants for August 2014



Also known as the rosebud primula this little bedding plant comes in a myriad of colours, it will flower for you in sun or partial shade over a long period. Plant with one colour or go with a rainbow, they will not disappoint.


Love them or hate them for their ‘over the top’ bright colour, Cheerful with hues ranging from orange to gold and brass. Use them as a lively display up the garden path or plant them as companions in the vege garden.


Hardy and tolerant I love these plants in pots by the front door. There are two main types: Grandifloria with large flowers and good in pots and hanging baskets or Multiflora with smaller, more abundant flowers


A tough and cheerful addition to the annual garden, Impatiens flowers over a long period. They like shade and moisture so plant them where they will lightup a dark corner.


The common sage, these hardy annual and perennial plants are a ‘must have’ in any garden. There are the smaller annual varieties known for their cheerful colours and easy care, or the much bigger tougher perennial varieties which you can leave to take over a corner at the back of the garden.