Volunteer Surprised

Volunteer Kapiti Service Coordinator, Deb Tuckey; Volunteer Kapiti Chairperson, Lorraine Williams; Volunteer Recognition Award Winner Ailsa Voice and Volunteer Kapiti Manager, Naomi Yeoman (Click for full image)
Volunteer Kapiti Service Coordinator, Deb Tuckey; Volunteer Kapiti Chairperson, Lorraine Williams; Volunteer Recognition Award Winner Ailsa Voice and Volunteer Kapiti Manager, Naomi Yeoman (Click for full image)

Otaki volunteer Ailsa Voice, was surprised with a morning tea to celebrate her winning Volunteer Kapiti’s Volunteer Recognition Award.

Volunteer Kapiti Chairperson, Lorraine Williams awarded Ailsa with her certificate and prize and acknowledged the invaluable volunteering efforts of Ailsa and fellow volunteers throughout the Kapiti region. Ailsa’s prize was a $100 voucher to the restaurant of her choice on the Kapiti Coast.

Moira Wylie, nominated Ailsa for her 13 years remarkable volunteering contribution in the Otaki community for both the Citizens Advice Bureau and Otaki Women’s Health Centre. “She is in her 70’s and still volunteering, that deserves recognition” Moira said.

Fellow volunteers from both the Women’s Health Centre and Citizens Advice Bureau were delighted to be able to surprise and celebrate one of their own.

Even Ailsa’s husband was in on the secret, getting Ailsa to the Otaki Library on the pretence of attending a retirement seminar. Ailsa was aware that she had been nominated, so as soon as she walked through the doors of the Supper room, the game was up!

Volunteer Kapiti launched the Volunteer Recognition Award in 2014, as part of National Volunteer Week celebrations. Manager, Naomi Yeoman, was again delighted at the calibre of volunteers being nominated for the award, “I’m glad that I didn’t have to judge” says Naomi, “The nominations we received detailing the amazing volunteering contributions throughout the Kapiti Coast are very humbling. We are delighted to have the opportunity to do something fun to recognise one of the fantastic volunteers in the Kapiti region during National Volunteer Week.”

Volunteer Kapiti is always looking for volunteers to work with non-profit organisations on the Kapiti Coast and offers a wide range of opportunities. For more information, go to www.volunteerkapiti.org.nz or call 04 905 8884 / 06 364 6887.