Ultrafast broadband for Ōtaki


F_JL15_ultrafast-broadbandTo stimulate business growth and productivity, Ōtaki is making a bid to be linked up to ultra-fast broadband (UFB).

KCDC is preparing a submission for the town to get a slice of recently-announced government funding aimed at increasing UFB coverage to 80% of the country.

Ōtaki Ward Councillor Penny Gaylor says securing broadband for the town would make a huge difference.

“Access to improved broadband and mobile infrastructure can encourage business productivity across a range of local sectors and industries, improve health and education services, and improve our ability to communicate and connect with one another.”

A final decision on whether the bid is successful is expected to be made by the end of the year.

How you can help

Participation from the Ōtaki community will help us understand the benefits of UFB and how the lack of service has negative impacts.

Please tell Council where you, your business or community group is located and answer the following questions. Your feedback, sent to UFB@kapiticoast.govt.nz by mid-July, will be greatly appreciated.

How do you feel you could benefit from UFB?

Examples may include:

  • the ability to improve communication with your clients e.g. videoconferencing, collaboration, hosting, to avoid having to meet physically etc
  • the ability to reduce your costs
  • the ability to provide new services
  • the ability to provide improved education facilities e.g. moderated webinars.

How do feel the lack of the UFB service has affected you negatively? Examples may include:

    how it impairs your ability to deliver services due to slowness

  • how it may affect your credibility as an organisation/group due to communication issues e.g. lack of videoconferencing
  • how it may prevent you providing services you wish to due to constraints
  • how it may prevent you more effectively delivering your services or collaborating more effectively with others in your sector
  • how it may increase your costs either through the need to physically travel or subscribe to services elsewhere.

If we want UFB in Otaki, we need to support KCDC !