On the 4th July 2015 we had 12 competitors in the Hutt City Taekwondo Open at the Naenae Badminton Hall. It was a long enjoyable day. All of our Ōtaki Taekwondo competitors did really well, they all fought hard. We had 8 first time competitors.

Our competitors are from back left Jack London, Zyre Van de Wiel Milina, Trent Thompson-Tawhara, Alex Pfeffer, Tiapo Kapukai-Taumaa, Front row Pounamu Mackay, Pikitia Skipper, Augustine Van de Wiel Milina, Tohu Ariki Mackey, Marewararangi Henare, below – Keira Johns & Stella Park. The group are aged from 6 years to 15 years old. The experience was great for all our competitors, being a part of a team, meeting other members from other clubs and making new friendships. We hope our members will endeavour to compete again. The club has a tally of 10 Silver, 2 Gold and 1 Bronze medal.
Master Jim Babbington and assistant instructor Paula Teau are very proud of all the competitors. We would like to thank all the family members who supported and helped out with the team on the day.