Straightening roads – Otaki Real Estate


A_R_1stnat-3With increased population comes increased traffic. Many of our local rural roads were built for 60km per hour vehicles.

Otaki Gorge Road has a vicious right hand turn just before the 2km mark which needs remedial work. Te Horo Beach Road is long overdue for a remodel, two one lane bridges, three hair raising bends with dubious camber, and carrying a heavy traffic load these days.

Te Hapua Road, Derham Road, and Morrison Road were all built as separate blind roads, but have become a major arterial route leading to Te Horo Beach, and the lifestyle block rich Te Horo westside area. These ‘semi’ intersections need a makeover akin to the Highway 56 corner at Opiki turnoff, to recognise the present dominant traffic flow.

Enduring quality

We have a home on land for sale in Te Horo, built under the ‘Rehab homes’ scheme in 1961. The home has superb Rimu timbers underneath, Matai flooring, and an original hot water cylinder still going strong after 53 years. I poked my nose in to check a date, 1961, and was staggered to see where the cylinder was made…….Geo A McIvor, Aotaki St, Otaki.

We may have cheaper cylinders these days, made in China or Auckland, but would they represent better value for money than local craftsman made items??

A_R_1stnat-2 The rise and rise of REALESTATE.CO.NZ

The drop off in support for Trademe has been nothing short of cataclysmic for their shareholders after they bought in 300% price rises last year. now hold the dominant market position, with consistent pricing, value for money packages, and above all they have CONTENT, 1000’s more homes for sale than Trademe, so that is now where the buyers go!