Spring Flowering Trees at Te Horo Garden Centre


Tamarix Juniperina Something special and not often available.

AU15_garden-Tamarix.jpgA native to drier areas of Eurasia and Africa. Very hardy with masses of pink flowers in spring and dainty foliage. Nice looking foliage as well. Deciduous and grows up to 8m

Magnolia Stellata: the Star Magnolia

AU15_garden-Magnolia-Stellata.jpgJust about bursting into flower: the star of the spring garden A slow-growing shrub or small tree native to Japan. Covered in pussy willow-like casings in winter, the buds swell to release 12 petalled flowers giving it its star quality. It flowers in early spring before the leaves open. Take your pick from large, showy white or pink flowers.

Hardenbergia ‘Happy Wanderer’

F_AU15_garden-Hardenbergia.jpgA nice climber blessed with many purple flowers to see you through the winter and spring. Of the pea family it grows up to 20ft with flowers reminiscence of wisteria blooms. More manageable than Wisteria though!


Main Highway & Te Horo Beach Rd
ph 364 2142

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