Issue August 2015

Keen to write your life story? Your Life Your Story Workshop...

Keen to write your life story? Like to record a particular experience? Your Life Your Story 10-week Workshop begins Wednesday 28 August in Otaki

Hear Andrew Little, September 11th

Hear Andrew Little talk about equal pay and social justice and its relevance today. Friday 11 September at 6:30pm Otaki College Hall, Mill Road, Otaki

Films: The Red House and the Otaki Railway Station 4...

Two films by Otaki film maker Errol Maffey on the Red House and the Otaki Railway Station will follow the Historical Society AGM being...

KCDC meetings, August 2015

DayDateMeetingTimeVenue Thursday 6 August Audit and Risk Subcommittee 10.00 am Council Chambers Ground Floor, 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu Tuesday 11 August Council Meeting (Additional) 10.00 am Council Chambers Ground Floor, 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu Thursday 13...

Rod Oram to speak in Otaki, 27 & 28 October 2015

Rod Oram to speak in Otaki Noted economist and clean technology advocate, Rod Oram will speak in Otaki   on 27 & 28 October. Otaki College...

Outward Bound Low Impact Courses

Do you know someone aged 27+ years who has a mild physical injury (such as back pain or joint problems) and is looking for...

Join The Kapiti Arts Trail!

Be part of this year’s Arts Trail which will be held over two weekends for the first time: 31 October/1 November and 7/8 November. This...

Ōtaki College 2016 Information Evenings

Parents who would like talk with the Ōtaki Principal and Deans about enrolment for 2016 are invited to attend one of the following meetings...

Garden tasks for August 2015

Flower garden Continue planting new roses in rich, well-drained soil, with plenty of compost, and finish pruning existing plants in time for spring growth. Prune early...

From the Otaki Mail, Friday July 5, 1935

MAORIS 11 v PAKEHAS 9 One of the worst exhibitions of big football seen at Otaki for some time was the match between the Maoris...

Te Horo Talk, August 2015

Mid-winter dance rocks Te Horo locals enjoy a night out and if it’s a Scottish Ceilidh so much the better. More than 80 people “danced...

TPPA Protest Attracts Big Support

Over 50 Kapiti protestors descended on Otaki MP Nathan Guy’s Paraparaumu office to deliver their anti-TPPA protest. “We were happy with the level of public...

Stormwater improvements underway

Work on a new stormwater pump station for Ōtaki started this week. Council’s approval of the pump station in June was welcome news for flood-prone...