Ōtaki Police


F_R_NZ_Police_LogoPolice recently dealt with a spate of thefts from cars along Mill Road and in the Te Manuao Road, Ōtaki area. Property stolen from the vehicles included electronic equipment and related accessories, alcohol and money. The electronic equipment has been located and returned to the owner. An offender has been spoken to by police and is being referred to Police Youth Aid.  

A number of the cars that were broken in to were unlocked and in a driveway. This is a timely reminder that when you aren’t using your car — lock it, regardless of where it’s parked! It will take an offender less than 30 seconds to get in to an unlocked car, search the glove box and interior of the car, and then leave.  Most insurance companies will not cover the loss or theft of items from a vehicle if it isn’t locked.  

Police are also dealing with two separate incidents of cats being shot with a slug gun in the Mill/Dunstan/Hariata Street area. Both cats survived being shot but required Veterinary treatment for their injuries. Police will be interested in hearing from anyone who has information about who may be responsible for the ill-treatment of these family pets.