Otaki MenzShed Update » October 2014


Oc_14_MenzShedAt the 2013 Otaki Expo there were three blokes at a bare table handing out photocopies of Waikanae MenzShed flyers and collecting names of interested passers-by.
This year at the Expo we had a video slide show, our own flyers with coloured photos of men building the Shed, and a large poster of the June Otaki Mail front page featuring the official opening of the Otaki MenzShed.
Our history is short: First gathering 23.11.2013, Founded 11.12.2013, Incorporation 23.1.2014, Occupied Shed 3.2.2014, Charitable Status 8.4. 2014, Official Opening 17.6.2014, Membership now 31.
This e-mail received from Chairman Ian Futter on Wednesday 22 October:
Hi Valdis, the following are the jobs on hand….I’ve split them into 2 groups.
Jobs around the shed:
Storage shed repairs: Replace rotting weatherboards, waterproof foundations and prepare the walls and roof for painting with donated Resene paint.
Prepare and paint the roof of the MenzShed.
Community Jobs that create Koha:
Installing 200 litre water tanks is ongoing. Other jobs include: Painting a hallway, re-laying part of a sunken path and repairing guttering, repairing a fence and gate, repairing a sun deck,
collecting donated timber for making toys, building a Dovecot and repairing bikes for the Athletic club.

On the social side:
Sheddies darts and pool afternoon 29 October and MenzShed Christmas function 27 November.
Now we are seeking Sponsors and Grants to provide dust extraction and automatic safety switches for electrical machinery.
We look forward to serving our community for years to come. Donations and inquiries contact Ian 364 8342 or Valdis 364 5636