Computers in Homes


By Ann Chapman

A combined initiative between the ‘Computers in Homes Trust’ (CIH) and ‘Te Reanga Ipurangi Education Trust’ is supporting Otaki whanau. Some children have been provided with a Chromebook to improve access to information. ‘Computers at Home’ supports children’s learning with this access to digital training together with a refurbished desktop.
The programme works via low decile schools, to help families in greatest need to use the internet, email and basic computer skills in their everyday lives, to enhance their performance at school and at work. For a cost of $50, families receive free training, a recycled computer, 12 month subsidised Internet connection and technical support.
Having a computer and the Internet at home means students can build on what they learn at school and research homework to produce results as well as anyone else. 13 families from Te Kura-a-Iwi o Whakatupuranga Rua Mano completed their training on the 26th of September
Regional groups work with schools
The regional groups work with local schools to implement the CIH model and create their own blogs to keep families informed and provide a platform for feedback. These blogs are linked from Regional Blogs box in the sidebar.
The school receives free project management support from Computers In Homes and they help with hardware in some cases.
The original projects have been funded by the Ministry of Education’s ICT in Schools because CIH builds on what the children already learn at school.
Funding is on a one-for-one basis: for every dollar of Government funding we need a dollar of sponsorship, donated goods, services or time.