Otaki Community Board June 2014


Public Speaking Time and Responses:

Julie Brown spoke to her dissatisfaction of the Kapiti Coast District Council’s Long Term Plan community consultation, stating it was a “flawed document and really, really inadequate”. She was against the document and believed no decisions should be made until November. Chairman James Cootes said the KCDC would make their decisions at the council meeting on July 23.
Otaki Community Patrol representative, Stephanie Tidman was present to thank the Board for the grant to the patrol which was used for petrol for the patrol car. Councillor Penny Gaylor thanked her for the invitation to join them on a night patrol.
Fred Macdonald offered a tribute to Robert Ayling, his neighbour, who died in the Malaysian Airline plane downed in Ukraine. Other points from him were – three dangerously sited bus stops, community consultation for Otaki, waterways clean-up, suggested rail transport improvements and Otaki Beach Development Plan. Ms Gaylor reminded him bus stop decisions were responsibility of Greater Wellington Regional Council not KCDC. Mr Cootes replied the Board submission to the Long Term Council Community Plan included fair public transport for Otaki.
Chris Walker also spoke to Otaki Beach Development Plan with funding suggestions. James Cootes told him the council just completed the annual plan process “This would be the place to put this (submission).”
Both men were informed in response to the submissions to the LTCCP was there were no funds available, but the Board would look at Otaki Reserves Fund.

Grant Applications:

Mr Cootes noted the Board met prior to the public meeting to discuss each application, the approval and amounts awarded were finalised at the meeting. All applicants were present to speak to their application.

Community Grants Fund:

The Otaki Ministers’ Association’s was granted $500 to help meet administrative printing costs associated with the major Christian celebration commemorating the arrival of the Gospel in Otaki in 1839. Rev Ian Campbell said the August 30 commemoration would cover several churches and historical sites on route.
The Parkinson Society Kapiti/Horowhenua was granted $500 to assist with field officer costs. Mandy Evans said the association currently had 160 members with 13 members in Otaki they were looking to form an Otaki support group.
The Otaki Heritage Bank Preservation Trust was granted $500 to assist with the costs of preparing a Roll of Honour Board of the 400 men and women from the greater Otaki district who served in World War 1. Rex Kerr said the Honour’s Board would be displayed at the exhibition Otaki Remembers WW1 being organised with the Otaki RSA for the 100 year commemoration of WW1 and later given to the Otaki library for permanent display.

Sport Activities Grants Fund:

Motorcycle racing enthusiast, Sarah Elliott, was granted $500 to assist with the costs of racing tyres for her motorcycle. An open class rider, she has won a number of racing series and also holds lap records at several NZ tracks.
The Big Bang Adventure Charitable Trust was approved $413 to assist with cost of hosting the Big Bang Adventure website. Trustee, Carrie Yaxley said the site was an integral part of exposure of the adventure race NZ wide.
Building and Resource Consents Grants Fund.
The Big Bang Adventure Trust received $179 to cover Memorial Hall hire costs for the race registrations and pre-race information.
Presentation: A presentation by Work and Income Otaki assistant manager, Hina Davis and an associate covered some national statistics and some of the programmes to assist Otaki people, including assisting young people to gain their driver licences, aged care and housing assistance. “Clients represent a huge pool of talent for employers,” Mr Davis said.


Mr Cootes outlined some of issues attended to, including requests for a footpath along Riverbank Road, the Pathways to Employment programme, Employment possibilities with Winstones expansion.
Mr Pearce’s issues included the upkeep of the rail corridor, Energise Otaki and the government’s roll-over of the housing insulation programme, the launch of the maramataka calendar at Raukawa Marae, need for community to know council action to banish psycho-active substances and the upgrade of the highway playground.
Rob Kofoed reported on the Children’s Action Plan, completion of the track to the former sanatorium centre part of the Haruatai Park loop, Te Waka Road cycle way and noted the Otaki Foodbank AGM was on August 12 at 7pm in the Foodbank rooms.
Reserves Fund Priorities: Although this discussion was held over until the next meeting, Mr Pearce requested the Otaki Beach development plan be added to the priority list. KCDC senior manager, Stephen McArthur, stated there was no money available, that the community would expect council input, questions of property ownership and what the community wanted for the beach front had to be sought and a possible allocation of some funds from the Reserves fund.
The meeting concluded at 9.57.