MenzShed developments…. » July 2014


JL14_MenzshedwishlistWith the ‘Grand’ opening of the shed behind us, a team of Sheddie Painters (Picasso, Rembrandt and some lesser known brush wielders) got stuck into painting the inside of the Otaki Playcentre while the kids were on hols, and 130 man hours later we finished the job on Friday 18 July. The kids were back on Monday to a fresh new look. Now the only colour will be the beautiful art work produced by the little ones. The painters want a nice long rest with only little jobs for a while. Thank you ladies for the bikkies and scones that kept the painting team going.

Local Kapiti newspapers’ publicity was great in motivating donations of machinery, tools, money and membership enquiries. The Otaki Community Board gave us four new fluro lights which were installed without charge by Paul Pearce Electrical. We were also given seven more pre-used fluros to install. Our Shed will be lit up like a Christmas tree. Big thank you’s to all donors.
The open day on Sunday the 13th was wet so not a huge turn up but those who came enjoyed the look around as well as a cup of tea with bikkies donated by Kiss & Bake Up. Thanks James.

The Shed is open Tuesdays and Thursdays 10 to 4 pm. Feel free to pop in for a cup of tea and a chat and a friendly old bloke will show you what a great job we’ve done in only 6 months.