Ocean View Newsletter, October 2015


Kia Ora All,

Sue and Cynthia at the Ōtaki Community Expo!

We have now headed in to spring but didn’t winter knock us for 6 with cold and flu symptoms hitting our region hard especially for Rest Homes and the like.  June, Cynthia and myself were really chuffed to be a part of the recent Ōtaki Community Expo this month.  It is good for our staff to go out and talk with our Community about their Rest Home by the sea.  It was interesting to note that some people did not realise that we also offer both day and overnight respite for full time carers who require a little break.

Ocean View could be your option for:

  • Day respite – for people who are cared for in their own home by their spouse/partner there is funding available for your loved one to come spend some time with us.  They can share morning tea and lunch in our company and be collected following afternoon tea at 3pm.  Contact Supportlinks on 0800 221 411 to see if you are eligible. Alternatively, you can arrange private payment if you are not eligible to the funding.
  • Overnight Respite – for the above who are planning a holiday or business trip, eligibility overnight care may be available for your loved one.  Again, contact Supportlinks.
  • Long term, permanent care – is available, give us a call.

Times are changing, people are living longer and their children are working past their 65th birthdays. The option to care for your spouse or parent yourselves is a big decision to make.  We understand this, and if we can help, let’s have a chat.

Congratulations to A. Symcic who won the prize draw at the Expo.  Also a big thank you to the Thorpe family for the daffodils, much appreciated.

Finally, a special message from us all at Ocean View,      Go the All Blacks!

Sue Mareikura,
Facility Manager