Rotary Otaki, May News

Two of Otaki Rotary's favourite characters reminisce
Two of Otaki Rotary’s favourite characters reminisce

Otaki Rotary are delighted to announce another Celebrity Charity Debate will be held at Otaki Memorial Hall on Friday 4th July 2014 at 7pm, in support of Rotary projects, and Otaki Surf Club. The moot “That Otaki should declare independence” ties in nicely with that date. Look out for a hall decked in Red, white, and blue! The pro team will be led by Rob McCann, Labour candidate for Otaki, supported by KCDC Councillor Gurunathan, and Cathy Strong, while those against will be led by local MP and Cabinet Minister, Nathan Guy, supported by KCDC Councillor Gavin Welsh, and recent host /organiser of the Maoriland films festival Libby Hakaraia. As previously, supper, musical interludes, and an Auction of priceless articles will be held. Please put this into your diary now, tickets are available at First National Otaki.

Pink Ribbon Breakfast

Otaki Rotary organised a pink ribbon breakfast at Café Ra on 29th May. It was well attended and enjoyed by all! NZ Business week. Following on from the success of our sponsored students last year, Otaki Rotary will again be supporting two students on this week, to be held in Palmerston North on 6th to 11th July. The opening of minds and motivation from this week is great to see, ‘Life changing’ is not overstating the impact!

Shelterbox at Waitohu School

Rotarian Derek Chisholm organised a video, and unpacked a shelterbox, that each class in succession viewed and experienced, enjoyed and learnt from. The enthusiasm of the children for the concept of ‘aid’ in troubled times lead to a donation of $400 towards the ‘combined Otaki Schools own shelterbox’ that can be tracked on its journey to a global troublespot.

Bookfair is happening!

Foodstuffs NZ Ltd have very generously given Rotary the use of the old Soapbox building next to New World to recycle, sort, store, and sell all your old books. Over the new two months we will be working hard, in combination with the Cancer Society, to prepare for this much anticipated event. Tentative dates are Saturday 26th / Sunday 27th July.

Drop off points are Otaki Library and First National Otaki.

So please give us your books!

Rotary 50th display at Otaki Museum

Already several hundred visitors have viewed and enjoyed ‘looking back’ at familiar faces and projects that Rotary has delivered to the Otaki community over 50 years to date. Open 10 am to 2pm on Thursday Friday and Saturday each week, be sure to pop along before the end of June