Otaki Mail and the Forthcoming Election
In September we have a national election. The Otaki Mail has been approached by a number of political parties seeking publicity, or an opportunity to present their policies. There will be visits from politicians and where possible we will interview them seeking their views on issues relevant to Otaki.
In addition — while preserving the newspaper’s independence, we have decided that all parties will be given the same opportunity to answer written questions. Accordingly, we have prepared a series of questions that we think are relevant to our readers. They are:
- What is special about Otaki?
- What’s your position on the Capital Connection?
- What is your party’s position of UFB for Otaki? Do you think we deserve to be excluded?
- How can the expressway benefit Otaki, and how will you ensure that we don’t become a forgotten backwater?
- NZ’s standing in the OECD regarding child poverty is not good. Why?
- Would you and your party respect the results of citizen’s initiated referenda?
- Do you support the withdrawal of psychoactive substances? If so, how will your party manage the consequences?
- Do you support the GCSB spying on citizens of NZ?
- Do you support the TransPacificPartnership (TPP)?
- Should Sky City have been given more pokies in exchange for a conference centre?
- What are your thoughts on the Christchurch rebuild?
In the coming months, all candidates will be given an opportunity to discuss these issues, and we will publish their responses.