Kāpiti Coast District Council Meetings In March 2015


Day Date Meeting Time Venue
Tuesday 3 March Workshop : Long Term Plan 2.00 pm Council Chambers Ground Floor, 175 Rimu Road Paraparaumu
Tuesday 10 March Te Whakaminenga o Kāpiti 10.00 am Council Chambers Ground Floor, 175 Rimu Road Paraparaumu
Thursday 12 March Council Meeting 10.00 am Council Chambers Ground Floor, 175 Rimu Road Paraparaumu
Thursday 12 March Regulatory Management Committee 2.00 pm Council Chambers Ground Floor, 175 Rimu Road Paraparaumu
Tuesday 17 March Local Alcohol Policy Hearings 9.00 am Council Chambers Ground Floor, 175 Rimu Road Paraparaumu
Tuesday 17 March Ōtaki Community Board 7.00 pm Gertrude Atmore Supper Room, Memorial Hall, Main Street, Ōtaki
Wednesday 18 March Public Forum with Councillors 7.00 pm Venue to be confirmed
Thursday 19 March Environment and Community Development Committee 10.00 am Council Chambers Ground Floor, 175 Rimu Road Paraparaumu
Tuesday 24 March Grants Allocation Subcommittee (Waste Levy) 9.00 am Council Chambers Ground Floor, 175 Rimu Road Paraparaumu
Tuesday 24 March Campe Estate Subcommittee 11.00 am Council Chambers Ground Floor, 175 Rimu Road Paraparaumu
Tuesday 24 March Waikanae Community Board 7.30 pm Waikanae Community Centre, Utauta Street, Waikanae
Tuesday 31 March Chief Executive Performance and Employment Committee – Public Excluded 9.00 am Council Chambers Ground Floor, 175 Rimu Road Paraparaumu
Tuesday 31 March Paraparaumu / Raumati Community Board 7.00 pm Kapiti Community Centre, 15 Ngahina Street, Paraparaumu 5032


Attendance at meetings

1. Cancellation – Meetings are sometimes cancelled for a variety of reasons. To confirm whether a meeting is on, please ring the Democracy Services

Advisor on 04 296 4700 or toll free 0800 486 486.

  1. Venue: Please note that all meetings will be held in the Council Chambers, Civic Administration Building, 175 Rimu Road, Paraparaumu, unless otherwise specified.
  2. Public Speaking Time – Under Council’s Standing Orders (Appendix I) a period will be provided after the start of each meeting for Public Speaking Time to allow for oral submissions generally relating to agenda items, although other matters may be raised with the leave of the Chairperson. If youwish to address the Council or its Committees during Public Speaking Time please book ahead with the Democracy Services Advisor and you will be given an approximate timeslot. People who book ahead for Public Speaking will be given precedence over those who do not.
  3. Agendas are available two days before the meeting at: Our website www.kapiticoast.govt.nz
