From the Otaki Mail, Friday July 5, 1935



One of the worst exhibitions of big football seen at Otaki for some time was the match between the Maoris and Pakehas on Wednesday afternoon. The day was beautifully fine and the ground in good order, but the standard of play was very disappointing. The Pakehas predominated the first half, but the Maoris forged ahead in the concluding stages. The first half was well over time and the second short. The teams were:- Maoris: Barrett, Cook, Tulloch, Nepia, W Parata, Campbell, Ropata, Hakaraia, W Paiipa, G McDonald, T McDonald, Cootes, Gardner, Tatana, Roore. Reserves Tulloch, Perawiti, T Gray, Ropata. Pakehas: Williams, Robbie, L Williams, Stevenson, Merwood, Cameron, Hartley, Anderson, Maddock, Taylor, Merwood, Bond, Anderson, Pratt, R Bishop. Reserves Malcolm, Taylor, Payne, Cox. For the winners Barrett, at full, was reliable, and it was to his credit that he used both feet. Cook and Tulloch were the pick of the three-quarter line…. For the losers the Merwood brothers were the most consistent, while Williams at full was reliable. His line-kicking was good. Cameron and Hart also played well. Otaki Historical Society.

Otaki Senior Football Team, winners Horowhenua Championship 1937, and holders of the Ramsbottom and McLennan Cups.  Top row, L to R:  J Huff, H Te Hana, S Kaihau, D Clunie, T Gray, L Barrett, R Higgott. Middle:  J Sievers, J Jenkins, P Hakaraia, N Gordon, J Winterburn, R Nicholls, R Kohika, K Hakaraia (club captain).  Front:  T Henry, P Ropata, D Richards (President), M Hakaraia (Captain), G Gray (coach), F Jenkins, E Cook. (President), M Hakaraia (Captain), G Gray (coach), F Jenkins, E Cook (Click for full view)
Otaki Senior Football Team, winners Horowhenua Championship 1937, and holders of the Ramsbottom and McLennan Cups. Top row, L to R: J Huff, H Te Hana, S Kaihau, D Clunie, T Gray, L Barrett, R Higgott. Middle: J Sievers, J Jenkins, P Hakaraia, N Gordon, J Winterburn, R Nicholls, R Kohika, K Hakaraia (club captain). Front: T Henry, P Ropata, D Richards (President), M Hakaraia (Captain), G Gray (coach), F Jenkins, E Cook. (President), M Hakaraia (Captain), G Gray (coach), F Jenkins, E Cook
(Click for full view)