From the Otaki Mail August 6, 1935


At the last meeting of the Otaki Football Club a donation of 10s 6d for the funds was accepted with thanks from Mr W H Reynolds. 

Another of the popular parties in connection with the Anglican Church will be held on Monday, when a further fox-trot competition will be held.  There will be cards for non-dancers. 

A children’s plain and fancy dress party in aid of the funds of the Anglican Church will be held on September 4th.  The annual bazaar will take place on October 31st.  Particulars will appear later.

Chalmer’s Church, Otaki, held a social in the Parish Hall on Wednesday evening.  There was a good attendance of people from different parts of the district, and games and competitions were indulged in during the evening.  Two very much appreciated items were contributed by Mr Fiebig…. The ladies provided a beautiful supper and a very enjoyable evening was brought to a close with the singing of Auld Lang Syne.