Energise Otaki wins WWF award


Energise Otaki were the big winners of the prestigious WWF’s Conservation Innovation award, which carried a prize of $25,000

the World Wildlife Fund is a global organisation with a mission is to stop the degradation of the planet’s natural environment and to build a future in which people live in harmony with nature. This is achieved by working on the ground with local communities, and in partnership with government and industry, using the best possible science to advocate change and effective conservation policy.

Energise Otaki is a community collective that tackles the big issue of climate change for the wellbeing of people and biodiversity. Judge Devon McLean from Project Janszoon says: “Energise Otaki is a truly innovative project based on a community seeing their town as a system and how people can work together to reduce their own, and the town’s, environmental footprint. It is inspiring to see such a range of projects designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, supply clean and cheap energy to the townspeople, create jobs and educate kids.”

We will report on how Energise Otaki will use this funding, and the projects that they are involved with.