Chairman’s Annual Report, Otaki Menzshed

MenzShed AGM 2015
MenzShed AGM 2015

After our first full year of operation it is great to be able to report that the Otaki Menzshed has gone from strength to strength. Our membership has increased to 43, we’ve had a few resignations but that is inevitable. With appx 50% of the clubs members being active members we have achieved a great amount during the year.

R_MY14_MenzShed-LogoWe have done over 324 hours work in the community that we have received a Koha for, and 427 hours that we’ve done free. Our biggest project for the year was making the crosses for the RSA for this year’s Anzac day: we spent 200 hours doing them.

During the summer the painting crew tackled the old storage shed and gave it it’s first coat of paint in many a year, the result being a great transformation it now looks like it will stand for another 100 year’s this job took over 100 hours to complete which was also part of the free time given. This coming summer the roof needs attention so those with a head for heights will have plenty to keep them busy.

Through our activities we have acquired a great amount of respect and appreciation from the Otaki community including donations from the Otaki Women’s Community Club and the Otaki Commercial Growers Association both of which have been a great help in the running of the shed. Our grateful thanks goes to both of these groups.

The Otaki Menzshed has achieved in a short time the aims of the Menzshed Association, that being to give a place for mainly men (in our case) to meet and to contribute to the community, gaining mutual benefit via the social contact while doing so.
It has been great to be involved with our shed for the year and I look forward to the same for 2015/2016.

Regards Chairman Ian Futter.