When Your Cat Can’t Pee…


A-R-OtakiAnimalHealth-bannerSometimes we notice our cats frequently going (or trying to go) to the toilet. We may describe this as straining, or think that they are constipated. Sometimes they manage to pass little drops of urine which may be tinged with blood. At other times, nothing seems to happen. Your cat may cry out, seem distressed, or become quiet and depressed, and they may resent being petted or spend a lot of time cleaning their genital area.

Your cat may have cystitis, or inflammation of the bladder. They will be very uncomfortable and require veterinary attention. Causes can include stress, diet and infections. Sometimes we can’t determine the cause, but we still need to treat the symptoms.
If your cat is male, there is a chance your cat is partially or totally ‘blocked’. This is an emergency, and they must see a veterinarian immediately! It is a life-threatening condition. The kidneys are no longer able to remove toxins from the blood or maintain a balance of fluids and electrolytes in the body. Without treatment, death frequently occurs when these imbalances lead to heart failure—often in less than twenty-four to forty-eight hours.
We often see cases when the rain comes, because cats that are used to going to the toilet outside stay in – holding-on waiting for the weather to improve, and stuck inside with other pets. It’s most common in overweight neutered males, but any cat can be affected.
If you suspect that your cat is having trouble peeing, contact your veterinarian immediately. Please don’t wait for them to get better on their own, or to get worse before seeking help. For more information on this problem, the symptoms, treatment, and ways to help prevent it, please download a copy of FLUTD Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease from www.lhvc.co.nz.