Foodbank AGM


F_DE14_foodbankThe Otaki Foodbank held its AGM on August 20, when the annual reports were presented and committee elected.

Foodbank manager, Lucy Tahere reported a slight decrease in the number of registered clients 276 – single people and families, along with this was a 138 reduction for a total 1,596 parcels issued over the last 12 months. A major concern for her was the number of grandparents bringing up their grandchildren without financial assistance, the parents don’t pass on their child allowance. Food parcel requests are to cover shortfalls in income, with private rental fees, power, phone, finance company debts and car expenses being the most frequently given reasons when requesting assistance.

Ms Tahere thanked the many individuals and organisations who supported the Foodbank, “your support is very much appreciated” she said.

Elections were held for officers and committee, with the new president, Rob Koeford elected. There were no nominations for secretary or treasurer, the incumbents, Sonja Matla and Marg Grant have offered to continue for a very short period. A small committee was elected with two or three new members elected.

Long-time committee member, Barry Mansell tendered his resignation from committee. Mr Mansell has been a great supporter of the Foodbank and has offered a wealth of knowledge and information for the management committee. Thank you Barry.

The next committee meeting is October 14.

Margaret Andrews