Te Horo Talk, August 2015


F_R_TeHoroMid-winter dance rocks

Te Horo locals enjoy a night out and if it’s a Scottish Ceilidh so much the better. More than 80 people “danced the night away” at Te Horo Hall recently. Music was supplied by Mishnish, a local band who play traditional music.

“The dance floor was full all evening, with many people only resting during supper. The night ended in the time honoured style of Auld Lang Syne,” said spokesperson and organiser, Sharon Hurst.

Plant propagation course

Agribusiness NZ began a propagation course at Te Horo Hall last month but there are still a few places left if you want to enrol.

It is a year-long series of practical and theory classes, resulting in a level three qualification. It follows the calendar year so you get to learn and practise all forms of propagation in the correct season. The course covers grafting, budding, division, hardwood/softwood and semi-hardwood cuttings, bulb scooping etc. You’ll also receive a1800 x 900 propagator complete with timer and plant mister to ensure your newly acquired knowledge is put to good use.

Tutor, Warren Kerruish, is passionate about growing and is generous with his knowledge and plant material.

For further information check out http://www.agribusiness.ac.nz/courses/horticulture/plant propagation/ or contact Warren direct at warren@agribusiness.ac.nz

Exercise at Te Horo Hall

Every Tuesday, 9.15am to 10.15am, Te Horo-based fitness instructor, Carola, runs a Swiss Ball class. Whether you want to get into shape, increase fitness, or just tone up a little, Carola will tailor exercises to your abilities and any pre-existing conditions. Swiss Ball is great fun as well as being an effective workout – all ages and abilities welcome. Ring Carola 021 060 6094 for details.

Te Horo Hall Country Market

Te Horo’s community monthly market with loads of local produce and products – grown, made, or baked in Te Horo. You’ll find fresh fruit and veggies, plants, home-baking, jewellery, preserves, olive oil, crafts and Ron’s Tool Stall. Ron will sell those unneeded tools on your behalf, and you’ll get 80% of the sale price (all tools must be clean and in working order). A great opportunity to support local producers, enjoy a friendly atmosphere and grab a bargain, from 10.00am to 12.30pm, Sunday, 2 August.

Craft Circle

Winter is the ideal time to head down to Te Horo’s Craft Circle (Te Horo Hall) where you’ll find a warm welcome and a dedicated time to progress your work. Bring along whatever you’re working on, everyone is welcome and there are no fees, Wednesday, 12 August, from 10.00am.

BYO Drinks and Nibbles

Based at Te Horo Hall, a monthly social gathering where you can catch up with the neighbours or meet newbies in the area. Bring a plate of nibbles and something to drink, Friday, 7 August, from 5.30pm.