Ōtaki Lions Changeover


AU15_Lions-20150603_213453.jpgOn Wednesday 3rd June the Otaki Lions held their Changeover Night for Officers in the Otaki Golf Clubrooms.

Outgoing President Don Howden spoke about the successful year the new Otaki Lions Club had enjoyed since chartering in September 2014.  Don thanked the Golf Club President Bella Ansell for allowing Otaki Lions to use the Golf Club as a meeting place.  He thanked a number of members for their contribution throughout the year, with special mention of the two Waikanae guiding Lions Neil Tunnicliffe and Paul Bevan for their energy and support particularly during our formative months.

Don said that the Club may not have raised a lot of money in their first year “but we have achieved in the area of giving of our time, including:

  • A very successful food bank collection
  • Assisting at the kite festival
  • Running a Xmas wheel at the Otaki Village Xmas evening
  • A fantastic February Pool Party for kids at Otaki Pool
  • An information stand at the Otaki Community Expo
  • The planting of 450 native trees

Socially we enjoyed a very successful Charter Night function and our Xmas pizza evening.”

Don concluded by saying “When I joined Lions I was looking to meet new people, to find a way to connect with the Otaki community, and to give back to it.  I am pleased to say that I achieved all of these.  I have met some great people not only within our club but within the community as a result of being in Otaki Lions.”

Incoming President Peter Askwith thanked his fellow Otaki Lions for selecting him as President and said that when the Club first came together in May 2014 they were all strangers to him, “but now when I attend Lions meetings I feel I am among friends sharing that mutual purpose that initially bought us all together.”

Considering the year ahead, Peter said he “wanted to continue in the direction we have started, but specifically I would like to see us:

  • Consolidate our current membership and welcome others into the Otaki Lions Club,
  • Complete on our projects, and generate some serious money that we can put back into our Community,
  • Build a meaningful relationship with the Otaki Golf Club, through a joint programme in some way,
  • Meet new people, enjoy fellowship and friendship while helping others, and above all, have fun.”

Anyone interested in learning more about becoming a Lion, contact President Peter Askwith phone 364 2417 or Membership Director Christine Newman phone 364 5268.