From the Otaki Mail Wednesday August 29, 1924



Au_14-History-Sanatorium-concertA MOST ENJOYABLE CONCERT WAS GIVEN AT THE Sanatorium on Monday afternoon by Rev Seamer’s Methodist Maori Mission party, assisted by some local talent. The Rev R J Liddell, in a brief address, introduced the company. A unique programme, consisting of Maori hymns, songs, and old folk-lore odes, was then rendered with great effect. The following contributed items: Iroriana Ngawhau, Meha Ngawhau, Miss Ruamoetahuna, Miss Tatarangi Waata, Rev Eruera Te Tuhi. Misses Phyllis Liddell, Janet Smith, and Eunice Liddell gave vocal and instrumental selections. At the close Dr Curtis, on behalf of the dstaff and patients, thanked the performers for the pleasant entertainment which they all appreciated.