Trinity Gardens


DE14_Trinity-DanaDanae – Hybrid Musk Shrub Rose

This rose proved popular at our recent Rose Festival at Trinity Farm. It featured on Ann Chapman’s tour of the garden as it is in her book Rose of Myths, Legends & Literature.

A healthy rose, easy to grow and has clusters of yellow flowers that fade to cream. It will flower and flower if you dead head frequently. Puts on a fantastic show in the garden. It was bred by the Rev Pemberton from the UK and introduced for sale in 1913. In our garden we keep it trimmed as a shrub which grows to about 1.2m in height and is 1m by 1m. You can also grow it as a small climber on a fence to about 1.5m. It can even be grown in half a barrel. Danae features in Ann’s book, because she was a Grecian goddess, wrapped up in a story of political intrigue. The plants and book are available for sale at Trinity Farm.

Trinity Farm

F_R_Trinity-Farm202 Waitohu Valley Road
Tel 0800 955 555