Thirty years of Otaki Probus


Otaki Probus was created in 1984 as the first male and female Probus club in New Zealand.

We are a club for active retired or semi-retired men and women from the Otaki region.

The purpose of the club is to provide regular opportunities to keep our members’ minds active, to expand our interests

and to enjoy the fellowship of old and new friends.

On Monday the 8th of December 71 of us celebrated the 35th birthday of our club at Murrayfield Cafe. Happy birthday was sung as the well-known 97 years young life member Arthur Manz cut the cake.

Arthur was born in Otaki and taught many children as a teacher and headmaster in Otaki.

De14_Arthur-ManzDuring the war he flew New Zealand Airforce Flying Boats based in the Solomon Islands .

Arthur attends every Probus meeting on the second Monday of the month sitting in the front row so he can hear the speaker better.

We meet in the Rotary Hall, Aotaki street, visitors and guests are welcome. The next meeting will be Monday January 12th at 10 am.

Come and join us, for more information contact Val Long, Secretary: 364 6464 or Bruce Heather, Vice President: 364 5898

Friendship, Fellowship and Fun, a jolly celebration was had by all. 

A happy Christmas to all readers.

By Valdis Plato