Te Horo Talk, June 2015


R_TeHoroClifton House in Te Horo

Front of Clifton house, showing front door before unveiling
Front of Clifton house, showing front door before unveiling

It’s not often an historic farm cottage becomes part of a naming or unveiling ceremony. But a small rural house situated in Mangaone North Road, Te Horo, recently did just that,

Clifton House is named for the Te Horo farming family that made it their home for many years. The house’s current owner felt “the love and caring that had flowed through the home needed acknowledgment and honouring.”

And so it was, on a grey, misty day, we gathered at the house for an afternoon ceremony. Many present were members of the Otaki-based ‘The Hub Church’ as well as many long-term locals who recalled the dairying and logging history of the area. Also attending was well-known Te Horo identity, Rod Clifton, and his wife, Joy. Rod spent his childhood years in the house, together with father Samuel Robert, his mother Ruth May (neé Best) and siblings Rosalie and Heather. Rod was unsure of the cottage’s exact age.

Rod and Joy Clifton chilling before the opening of Clifton House
Rod and Joy Clifton chilling before the opening of Clifton House

“It must be about 100 years old,” he said. “Built of native matai timber, milled locally, and there was scrim on the walls. I remember the coal range in the kitchen, and the double fireplaces.”

He hasn’t been in the house for a number of years but although there’ve been changes Rod instantly recognised various features such as the box hedge lining the fence “that’s where the gate was,” and the japonica tree beside the veranda.

His excellent long-term memory was also evident as he recounted family tales, as part of the unveiling ceremony,amusing and entertaining those present.

JN15-TeHoro-Clifton-3 JN15-TeHoro-Clifton-4

A Te Horo Harvest

JN15-TeHoro-harvestA small farm on the Hautere Plains is producing delicious artisan jams, sauces, chutneys, sirops and cordials from their own organic crops of berry fruit, pip and stone fruit, vegetables and herbs. The family business uses seasonal produce, such as winter citrus, in their Kaffir Lime, 3-fruit and Clementine Whisky marmalade.

The range is currently available at Commonsense Organics, Café Te Horo and the Te Horo Country Market — more to come about Te Horo Harvest next month.

BYO Ceilidh evening

A night of lively Gaelic music is planned for Saturday, 18 July, from 7.00pm, at Te Horo Community Hall. Featuring local band, Mishnish, there will be traditional folk music and dancing with a ‘dance caller’ — this means you don’t need to know the steps, the ‘caller’ will talk you through each dance. Tickets are $15. Please bring a plate for the buffet.

Te Horo Hall AGM

Monday, 15 June, 7.30pm at Te Horo Community Hall.

Craft Circle

The monthly craft group meets Wednesday, 13 June, 10.00am onwards at Te Horo Community Hall.

Te Horo Country Market

On Sunday, 7 May, at Te Horo Community Hall, 10.00am to 12.30pm you’ll find locally grown produce, preserves, plant and herbs, olive oil, handcrafts and jewellery, all available in a laidback country atmosphere.

Drinks and Nibbles

Join your neighbours, new and established, at the monthly community get-together at Te Horo Community Hall, Friday, 5 May, 5.30pm. Bring a plate of finger food and your favourite drink.