Te Horo Talk June 2015


R_TeHoroFun day awash

A planned Hyde Park Village Family Fun Day for Sunday, 21st June, was postponed after flooding throughout the Te Horo and Otaki areas. Many stall owners were unable to reach Hyde Park due to road closures or flooding on their properties, and shops in the centre were also awash with mud and water.

The fundraising venture which included family-themed activities, sausage sizzle and face painting, was aimed at gathering funds for a children’s playground at the Village, and took place the following Sunday.

Te Horo Hall AGM: a new committee

The recent Te Horo Hall AGM resulted in the election of a new committee, including Sharon Hurst as Chair, Tina Doyle, Secretary, Janet Rosedale, Treasurer, and members, Barbara Chatters, Alex Kelly, Jenny Gordon, Andy Johnson, Neil MacInnes, Sue Brickell and Alan Lancaster.

Outgoing Chair, Alex Kelly, expressed huge thanks on behalf of the committee and community to members stepping down — Michelle Papps, Don McGregor and also Peter Rahr, who had served a lengthy period as committee Secretary.

“Peter as given many years of service to the committee, and was the driving force behind many improvements such as the upgrade of bathrooms and addition of paraplegic access.”

To recognise his immense contributions to both the committee and the Te Horo community, Mr Rahr was made a Life Member of the Te Horo Hall Society.

The new committee aims to meet every six weeks, and will focus on continuing the work of previous committees “by maintaining and enhancing the building, facilitating access, and staging events for the benefit of our wonderful Te Horo community.”

For further information such as joining the committee, or booking the hall for your event, contact a committee member or Sharon 06 364 3624 or sharonizzy@xtra.co.nz

Leadership potential at Te Horo School

Back from left: Emma Joss, Paige Cull, Peyton Morete Front from left: Lani Gray, Jacob Gates
Back from left: Emma Joss, Paige Cull, Peyton Morete Front from left: Lani Gray, Jacob Gates

Te Horo School sent five year 8 students (pictured below) to the recent 2015 National Young Leaders Day in Palmerston North. The programme is the largest and longest running leadership event for primary, intermediate and secondary school students, and aims to stimulate young people through practical, inspirational events and leadership resources.

Attending was a new initiative for the school, and all students “had a fantastic day mixing with other children and learning about the qualities that make a leader. They came away motivated and fired up, ready to take on the world.”

Swiss Ball classes

It’s never too cold to exercise — try out Carola’s regular Swiss Ball classes at Te Horo Hall, Tuesday, 9.15am – 10.15am. Call Carola 021 060 6094 for details.

Country Market

Te Horo’s community-based monthly market, featuring fresh seasonal produce and preserves, home baking, flower bunches from nearby Te Horo Ornamentals, garden plants and seedlings, jewellery, handcrafts — Sunday, 5 July, 10.00am till12.30pm, wet or fine, Te Horo Hall.

Craft Circle

Meeting Wednesday, 8 July, 10.00am onwards at Te Horo Hall – pop in with whatever you’re currently working on. No membership required.

Drinks and Nibbles

Get together with your neighbours, old and new – BYO drinks and a plate of nibbles to share. Friday, 3 July, 5.30pm at Te Horo Hall.