Te Horo Talk July 2014



Fun times at mid-winter dance

Organiser of the Scottish mid-winter dance at Te Horo Hall, Sharon Hurst, said the recent event was “a rave success,” with around 100 guests celebrating Scottish culture and traditions.

“A big thanks to everyone who made the night go so well – the dance floor was filled all evening and everyone had fun. In particular, a special thank you to Grant Robertson of First National, Otaki, for supplying a whisky toast, Ian Sharp of Foxton for making and then gifting the haggis, and Alastair Pain of The Winemakers Daughter for donating prizes for best highland dress. These were won by Tim Faith of Te Horo and Junelle Daniels from Waikanae.”

Storytelling at next centenary event (BYO)

A further round of amusing tales related by long-time Te Horo locals is set for Sunday, 24 August, starting at 4.30pm (doors open at 4.00pm).

“April’s storytelling was extremely popular,” said organiser, Sharon Hurst, “and we are sure our new storytellers will entertain just as well.”

Learn about Te Horo’s past — $5 includes hot chips.

Swiss Ball exercise classes with experienced teacher

Te Horo-based Swiss Ball teacher, Carola, plans to start morning exercise classes at Te Horo Hall. This is a great, all-round exercise with a focus on core strength and stretching. For further information you can contact 021 0606094 for details and start date

Agribusiness NZ Plant Propagation Course

A hands-on practical course, run by experienced, knowledgeable tutors sharing information, advice and plant material, is currently underway at Te Horo Hall. Topics include division and bulb scooping, the art of budding and grafting, cuttings (hardwood/softwood and semis), propagation by seed and growing media.

If you’re keen to learn all there is to know about propagation, there is still time to enrol (up until third lesson). Classes meet each fortnight (Tuesday 6pm-9pm) and the course covers a 12 month period to ensure activities can be undertaken in the correct season. Dates for next classes are 29 July and 12 August. To register or for further information: www.agribusiness.ac.nz or email tutor Warren Kerruish warren@agribusines.ac.nz

Drinks and Nibbles

Te Horo community’s get-together at 5.30pm, Te Horo Hall, Friday, 1 August – BYO drinks and nibbles

Te Horo Country Market

A monthly market that features the best of local produce and plants as well as jewellery and handcrafts – Te Horo Hall, Sunday 3 August, 10am to 12.30pm.

Craft Circle

A local monthly craft group which celebrated its second birthday earlier this month – meets at Te Horo Hall, Wednesday, 13 August at10am.

Paddy’s Market coming soon

Te Horo School’s traditional yearly fundraising market is coming soon – Saturday 13 September – more on this next month.