Te Horo Talk December 2014


Summer toning at Te Horo Hall

Hour long Swiss Ball classes continue at Te Horo Hall, every Tuesday, from 9.15am. Carola’s exercise and toning classes promise to tone your body for summer.

“Toning can help you drop a dress size – without a strict diet,” she explained. “It can shape up your curves.”

Using a Swiss Ball for support, Carola, an experienced trainer, helps exercisers increase their general fitness without strain or injury.

Te Horo’s Garden Club?

Local resident and keen gardener, Sharon Hurst hopes to start a new garden group. If you’re new to gardening, or experienced and would like to pass on your hard-earned knowledge, particularly in the Te Horo area, contact 06 364 3624 or sharonizzy@xtra.co.nz for details.

Community events

Craft Circle takes a break during January 2015. Next meeting is Wednesday 4 February, 10.00am onwards at Te Horo Hall. No membership needed — just drop in with your craft item to work on and join other like-minded folk.

Country Market is on Sunday, 5 January, 2015, 10.00am to 12.30pm, wet or fine, at Te Horo Hall. The monthly market features local fresh produce, all those lovely summer veggies, plants and seedlings, including those grown for local conditions, plus jewellery and a wide variety of handcrafts.

Drinks and Nibbles meet at Te Horo Hall on Friday, 3 January, 5.30pm — a BYO event to catch up with neighbours after the Christmas madness, or to meet newcomers to the area.