Spring safety: Are you at risk of running over your kids?


Spring is an exciting time for Kiwi families. With the cold winter months a fading memory, parents are eager to get the kids out of the house to enjoy the warmer days. Spring however brings with it a number of injury risks—one of the most serious is driveway run over injuries.

Always think of the three golden rules.

Check, Supervise and Separate

CHECK for children before driving off

SUPERVISE children around vehicles

SEPARATE play areas from driveways

“Every two weeks a child is hospitalised with serious injuries received from a vehicle driving on a private driveway in New Zealand. A further five children are killed annually, on average. Children at risk are aged between 1 and 3 years old,” said Ann Weaver, Director of Safekids Aotearoa.

“Most child driveway run overs happen in spring and summer, and sadly fathers are most often at the wheel,” Ms Weaver added.

Child driveway run overs are preventable. This spring Safekids Aotearoa reminds parents to be aware of the risks by identifying the signs of a risky driveway, and what you can do about them.

It is important to always know where the kids are before getting in the car.

Driveway danger signs:

A long driveway

A driveway in a quiet road or cul-de-sac

A driveway that also provides pedestrian access to house (no separate pedestrian pathway)

A driveway leading to lots of parking – cars need to be moved around to make room or allow vehicles to leave

No physical barrier (i.e. fence) between driveway and outdoor play area.