Real estate: 12 month sales report


A_R_1stNat-1A_R_1stnat-2A_R_1stnat-3Otaki; A total of 170 properties sold in Otaki during the last 12 months to 31st March, at an average sale price of $237,660. This is a total of $41,115,000 that changed hands for properties within the Otaki township.

If our 10% market share is ‘representative’ that would be 30% investors, 20% first home buyers, and the rest moving up, down, or sideways!

Te Horo; A total of 42 properties sold in Te Horo during the last 12 months, at an average price of $533,000. This was a total of $22,228,000 invested by new residents for Te Horo

Again, if our 30% market share was ‘representative’, about 40% of buyers would be from the Kapiti Coast, 40% from Wellington, with a strong trend towards ‘weekenders’, and the last 20% from Auckland or overseas.

Manakau; A total of 26 properties sold in Manakau during this last 12 months, at an average price of $333,000. This was a total of $8,668,000 invested by new residents in Manakau.

Again, if our 55% market share is ‘representative’ 65% of buyers would be from Wellington, 25% from the Kapiti Coast, and 10% from overseas!

We were delighted to assist so many sellers and purchasers achieve their desires.

We welcome Bram Crysell to our team. With his skills in photography, appraisal, his innovative marketing, patient negotiation, and experience across all aspects of Real Estate, we hope you will help him to build on our residential market share, as we become an ‘all round team’ serving Te Horo, Otaki and Manakau

My safe haven — 275A Main Highway Otaki

F_MY15_FirstNat.jpgWith over 80m² of living space in 2 bedrooms, open plan living areas, separate toilet, shower, & bathroom, and an excellent lock-up garage with storage, and a very sunny north facing patio, this will be a safe haven and a most enjoyable living situation. Just a short walk to the shops, transport & cafes. Crosslease. RV $150,000.

‘Offers around $169,000’ will buy.

Grant Robertson