A large motor-car, driven by a young man named Willis, ran foul of a verandah post at Mr N Clarke’s chemist shop last night, and caused quite a sensation, several persons congregating immediately after hearing the crash.
As a result of the crash, the young man and his brother were charged with furious driving. Constable Satherley stated that last night at about 6 o’clock the two defendants passed in their car driving at an excessive speed. Later he received a telephone message informing him of the accident, and he went to the scene. He found a verandah post broken and a bicycle, owned by Mr C Smith, smashed. The young men were not addicted to drink and were sorry for what had happened, besides they had offered to pay all damages…. Each was ordered to pay a fine of £5 and expenses, which will amount to about £2. 10s. each. It was pointed out that there had been much excessive driving of late and that the practice was one that would have to be stopped. The Bench regretted that they did not have power to cancel the driver’s license but hoped the fine would be a warning to others.