Ōtaki College News » September 2014


R_college_rightR_College-top-rightFrom the Principal

Continued Student Sporting Successes

The College has continued to show that despite its size it can match it with much larger colleges and come out on top! This is credit to the talent and determination of our students as well as the time and effort that our parent volunteers and staff put into the coaching and managing of these teams.

I was asked recently why Ōtaki College produces so many fine sports people and I have suggested my own theory which is that, unlike larger colleges where students can miss out on selections into teams due to numbers, our students do not experience this. Students get to play and gain game time, often in grades higher than they would play in if they were in a larger college. This gives them exposure to tougher competition and means that they need to develop their skills and resilience at a much faster rate than many other students. This puts them in a better place to learn to compete and succeed. Whatever the theory, we are certainly doing well in College competitions – something to be very proud of!

Senior A Netball

Sincere congratulations to the Senior A Netball team who have ended the season as winners of the Collegiate grade in Horowhenua Netball, 2nd in the Div. B Wellington College Netball (promoted to Div. A) and most recently, winners of the Lower North Secondary Netball Tournament (promoted to Div. A). Congratulations to all the players in this team – you have all had an exceptional season. Congratulations also to Karapapa Hika and Alana Fraser for selection in the Lower North Div. B Tournament team.

Other notable successes are as follows;


Congratulations to our senior Girls Football Team who were runners up Northern Div 2. A huge thank you to Ashleigh Stevenson who managed this team


Oh Wednesday 20th August our rippa girls attended the Kapiti School Girls Rippa day. They played well and all enjoyed the outing.

Surf Lifesaving

Two of our students attended New Zealand Pool Championships in Auckland. Damien Doyle and Daisy Davis won bronze medals in the medley relay event.


Mitchel Rutter attended the New Zealand Duathlon Championships in Taupo, wining a silver medal in the U19 age group.

Winter Tournament

On 11th September 40 of our year 7 and 8 students competed in Netball, Rippa and Football. All teams played well, with the Boys Football coming 3rd.

Irene van Dyk with the team


McDonald’s Springtime Netball Tournament – our year 7 /8 Team and Y9 / 10 teams won this event.

During the weekend of 13/14 September 3 of our netball teams travelled away to tournaments. Our Y7/8 team went to Taupo, Y9 team to Wanganui and our Senior 2 team went to Rotorua. All 3 teams came 2nd in their tournaments.


Kahurangi Sturmey and Hinemoa Rudolph won Gold medals at Senior Basketball Div 2, playing in the WRM team.

Chrome books 2015

Following a successful introduction of four Digital Classrooms to Ōtaki College in 2014, the Board of Trustees has supported giving access to Digital Learning for all Year 7 to 10 students in 2015. Using chromebooks and other learning tools in a supportive e-Learning classroom will enable students to develop their ability to; self-manage, participate and contribute, think, collaborate, articulate ideas, and use text and images to learn and to share their new learning with a wider audience.

How and when can I get a Chromebook for my child?

To be in a digital classroom, where there is one computer to each student, each student will be required to lease or purchase a Google Chromebook through the Te Reanga Ipurangi Education Trust.

An opportunity to sign up for Chromebook purchase will be given in Term 4 2014 so that we have the Chromebooks ready for 2015.

Further information will be coming out about this in upcoming newsletters to parents.

Property Projects Underway

Te Whare hui – Can you Help?

The plans to extend Te Whare hui have been submitted to Kapiti Coast District Council. Lotteries Commission have supported this project but it will require support from parents and community to complete the labour side of the project. Upon completion the extension will provide an office, storage areas for resources, a toilet, shower and kitchenette. This will enable us to establish an after school homework centre and place for other groups to meet.

The college wishes to extend its thanks and gratitude to Rob Kofoed who has completed all the planning work free of charge and to Murray Ropata, Hadley & Kyllie Gardner for their input and support for this project.

If you are willing to give up some time and expertise to help on building and fitting out this extension please ring Viv White, Principal’s Secretary, to pass on your details. Many thanks in anticipation.

New Car Park Construction Commencing

Please be aware that the new car parking area will commence construction over the coming school holiday break and will continue for at least two weeks into Term 4. This is an important phase in returning the internal college area to a pedestrian zone for students.

It would be hugely appreciated if private vehicles are only driven into the college in emergencies. This car park will be used predominantly by staff but can be used by visitors. There is now a visitor’s car park area available at the top if the drive in behind the Ministry of Education building and we would urge parents to use this.

The college looks forward to the ongoing support of parents and the community as we continue to move forward and build on our educational, sporting and cultural successes.

A reminder if you are an ex student, ex staff member or have a relationship with the college to go on line and join the Xotaki whanau alumni group and help support your community college – http://xotaki.org.nz/.

Ex-Student Profile: Haley Bertelsen (OC Student 2004 – 2010)

Go Haley!

I enrolled at Massey University Wellington 2011 – 2014, and completed a Bachelor of Health Science with a Major in Sport and Exercise Science, and currently completing my fourth year as a postgraduate honours student.

As part of my study I have carried out both academic and practical work and gained experience in the clinical sport and exercise industry ranging from development and delivery of structured exercise programs to the Kilburnie fire service, Berhampore rest home, Kapiti Cardiac Clinic, Massey University Cardiac Clinic, a cancer survivor and paediatric cohort.

I have been involved in numerous sport and exercise research projects most recently looking at the benefits of exercise for cognitive function in children, and the role of recumbent exercise in stroke patients. I am currently half way through completing my own individual research as part of my honours, investigating the effect of an exercise intervention on oxygen delivery and utilization in the lower body during running and the differences that exist between normal weight and overweight children. I am also interested in children’s ability to accurately predict their maximal exercise limits by the use of their self-perception of exertion. After completing my research and writing up the report, my findings may become eligible for publishing in an academic journal.

Otaki College has contributed to a number of aspects of my current achievement. From being the reason for my choice in tertiary study, to providing appropriate subjects (in particular Biology, Chemistry and Physical Education) to gain admission into university, but also providing a head start in my first year at Uni as almost half the learning content became revision as it was previously taught at OC. In addition, the teacher support I was provided in pushing my work to a high standard meant I was eligible for a $3000 scholarship in my first year of Uni. OC taught me many essential skills, particularly being head girl I retained crucial leadership, organisation, and communication attributes which became necessary in my current study. The experience in a huge number of opportunities OC provided, it has helped shaped the pathway I have taken and will certainly contribute to my future career. Such opportunities include: school and sport councils, assemblies, powhiri, productions, sports events, house spirit activities, fundraising, peer support, STARS, and of course the numerous sporting teams and events particularly canoe polo and football.