Otaki College kids in the CACTUS

CACTUS students perform incredible feats as the dawn breaks
CACTUS students perform incredible feats as the dawn breaks

CACTUS — the Combined Adolescent Challenge Training Unit and Support programme — is designed to extend a young person’s mind and physical capability, with a focus on teamwork, goal setting, leadership and discipline. It aims to instil discipline and self esteem into young people encouraging them to look and listen before they act and increasing their future opportunities. A project sponsored by the Tindall Foundation, will culminate in a graduation ceremony on July 3rd.

23 students (13 girls, 10 boys) were selected by the college: a mix of existing leaders within the school, those who have the potential to be future leaders and a small group of students considered ‘at risk’.

JN15-OC-cactus-5“Each course concludes with a challenge to test participants’ progress and their ability to work as a team,” said Otaki policeman Terry Moore, who with Callum Nikora is organising the project . “These are a reward for their efforts, and an incentive to participate and see the course to its conclusion.” Half way through the course, as dawn was breaking, they pulled a fire truck down Mill Road.


