New Otaki Opshop Supports Needy Animals: The Opportunity for Animals shop


A local charity has opened a new Opshop in Ōtaki. Opportunity for Animals sells fabulous second hand near-new fashions to raise money for abandoned and mistreated animals. Their new Ōtaki branch opened on the 27th May at 236 Main Highway, Ōtaki (near the BP service station), and  already there has been an encouraging level of community interest!

Opportunity for Animals fundraises for the Black Sheep Animal Sanctuary in Ōtaki Gorge, a project of the Animal Protection Society, a registered charity.

The sanctuary has been taking in needy animals for the last three and a half years and now cares for over 160 animals.

Sanctuary caretaker Kate Waghorn says ‘we started with a low profile because it was just bare land when we purchased the sanctuary property — there wasn’t even a house. We have slowly increased the facilities over the past few years building fences and animal shelters as they were needed.’

JN14_OpshopKate says ‘It is really important to us to offer a long-term haven, so we will only take in an animal if we can commit to caring for them for the rest of their life if need be. As we have limited space, at times this means that sadly we will have to say no to some animals. However we are building up our networks of supporters and potential homes, and if we can’t take in animals we endeavour to help find them a permanent home where they will get the love and care that they need’

When asked if there is a need for another sanctuary alongside  HUHA and the SPCA Kate comments ‘As long as there are animals needing to be rescued, animals being abused and injured wildlife there is a need for animal rescue centres. The existing organisations do amazing work. Sadly, however, there are far more animals needing help than organisations able to cater for. ’

The Black Sheep focuses on helping rescued or abused farm animals, wild  kittens, injured wildlife and ex-factory farm animals; it also promotes animal welfare and animal rights. Where possible the Black Sheep rehomes animals to loving forever homes once they have been rehabilitated.

The Opportunity for Animals shop welcomes donations of good quality clothing, bric-a-brac, kitchen wares, books, toys and so forth, and is also seeking dedicated volunteers to help staff the new shop. Please drop into the store during open hours to enquire.