MenzShed Update » August 2014


Au_14_MenzshedAnother busy month building work benches for the hobby workshop and installing more donated fluro lights. Thank you Hamish McMurchie from Brien Electrical Paraparaumu for donating your time on Saturdays and Stewarts Electrical supplies of Paraparaumu for donating the cables etc, to get the shed even brighter.

We have received a lot of tools and machinery which are being restored and will be very useful in the workshops. Thank you to all donors. Several outside projects are on the go as well as the drop ins for small tasks like fixing a broken chair, or a shovel that needed a new handle fitted. We are open on Tuesdays & Thursdays 10 – 4, 186 Mill Road, so drop in for a cuppa and a chat – bring that broken chair and we’ll see if we can fix it.

Our first Annual General Meeting was held on Tuesday 19th August. We now have a membership of 30 which is impressive after only 7 months. Ian Futter has replaced Valdis Plato as the next Chairman and Valdis was awarded a life membership in recognition of his efforts in establishing the Otaki MenzShed. Valdis will be remaining on the committee to help membership growth and fund raising. Our next goal is to purchase dust extractors for all 3 workshops.

For information and donations ring Ian Futter 364 8342 or Valdis Plato 364 5636