Te Horo May news


MY14_teH_MayA new flagpole for Te Horo Hall

The newly installed flagpole in front of Te Horo Hall was put to good use during Te Horo School’s recent ANZAC ceremony. A feature of the hall’s centenary event calendar, the “memorable service” drew many locals from the community including teachers and students, parents and friends. Best of all, the fickle weather calmed, enabling the New Zealand flag to be raised (on the new flagpole) as part of the remembrance event.

Further improvements grace the hall

A community working bee has tidied and improved an area behind Te Horo Hall – grass has been sown and box hedging is planned to soften the appearance of the water tanks.

Inside, the hall’s dark brown ceiling has been replaced by “an off-white colour,” lightening the interior and improving the hall’s appearance. Te Horo Hall Society Inc. Annual General Meeting Te Horo Hall Society is looking for new committee members, particularly someone who’d like to take on the role of secretary. If you’re a local and would like to be more involved in your community, here’s your chance. The meeting is on Monday, 9th June, 7.30pm, at Te Horo Hall – everyone is welcome.

The Great Art Sale

As part of the hall centenary events, a weekend of art is planned for June 14th/15th, 10.00am to 4.00pm at Te Horo Hall. Professional and local artwork will be for sale — many pieces have not previously been exhibited.

Country Market

The monthly market’s new tool and kitchenware stall is proving popular, with several hoes and axes finding new homes. This is an excellent opportunity, if you’re having a tidy-up and clearout, to sell your items via this stall – all must be in clean working order.

More stalls are appearing at the market, but the focus remains on goods produced locally such as fresh fruit and veggies, plants, home-baking and preserves, jewellery and handcrafts.

Next market is Sunday 1 June, 10.00am to 12.30pm at Te Horo Hall.

Craft Circle

The Craft Circle continues on Wednesday, 11 June, from 10.00am at Te Horo Hall. Just bring along a project and enjoy the company of fellow crafters. Lunch is at a local café “then it’s back to needles, scissors, machines, pens and paint.”

Drinks and Nibbles

The next BYO get-together for Te Horo locals is Friday, 6 June, 5.30pm at Te Horo Hall. Bring a plate of nibbles to share and a drink for yourself.