A Day in the Life of MidCentral Health


F_R_midcentralEvery day this is what MCDHB does for our people:

1 person is admitted to the Intensive Care department
2 people are admitted to the Critical Care Unit
6 babies are born
6 children have a B4 (before school at 4) school test
14 young people drop into aYouth Health Services clinic
18 people have an MRI scan
25 adolescents have a dental check
27 people have an operation at MidCentral Hospital
78 people are discharged from hospital
107 people are seen by a member of the chronic care team
111 people attend the Emergency Department
113 people visited WEKA website
168 people were seen by the community mental health, alcohol and drug service
217 people attended MCH outpatient services
228 items of equipment were issued by Enable
245 people were seen by a District Nurse
1249 people received aged care services
1811 people visit their general practice
2238 people received home based support services
2241 laboratory tests are done
7769 medicines are dispensed

And all this is done by:

41  general medical practices
40+  non-government organisations
35  rest homes
32  community pharmacies
22  dental practices
8  optometrists
6  iwi providers
3  Integrated Family Health Centres
2  community radiology services
1  public hospital
1  Primary Health Organisation
1  laboratory