Cosmetic testing on Animals


F-JN15-Vet-rabbit.jpgNZ is a country of animal lovers and their welfare is of extreme importance to us.

Earlier this month NZ Parliament tabled anamendment to the Animal Welfare Bill which would make it illegal for manufacturers to test ingredients or finished cosmetic products on animals.

Our local Otaki MP and Minister for Primary industries Nathan Guy welcomed the unanimous support for the bill and it passed its third and final reading on 5th May.

Several other countries have already taken this step including European Union, Israel and India so NZ can’t claim to be at the forefront of animal welfare but we are up there with the leaders.

Although this did hit the news it seems strange the media didn’t give more time to such an important milestone.

The NZVA has lobbied to include the legal recognition of animal sentience, which means sensation or feeling in animals. This will mean greater clarity and enforceability of our animal welfare laws.

Currently no cosmetic products are tested on animals in NZ but a ban on animal trials sends out a message that animal welfare is paramount when it comes to testing any product including medical treatments and it puts pressure on other countries to follow suit.

Sadly 90% of cosmetics on sale in NZ are made overseas so imported cosmetics may still have been tested on animals. Make-up and other products are often tested on rabbits and guinea-pigs.

So next time you buy shampoo or make-up, check that it is NZ made to ensure it hasn’t been tested on Animals.

Angela Ford


Otaki Veterinary Centre

F_R_OtakiVetClinic Hours:
Mon – Fri 8.30 – 5.00 pm
Tuesday 8.30 – 6.00 pm
Saturday 9 – 12 noon

269 Mill Road, Otaki
06 364 6941