A Community Owned Renewable Energy Group


A group from the Energise Otaki initiative are considering setting up an entity to supply renewable energy related products and services to the Otaki – Kapiti community.

It is envisaged that renewable energy systems will be supplied to members on a “pay as you use” model with any profits being retained within the community to help assist the further up-take of renewable technologies for the benefit of the members within the community, as can be seen with Cooperatives and Trusts entities.

The renewable systems will include Solar electric, solar thermal hot water and bio-mass fuels.

The concept will require at least 5 people to participate to progress to the next level of:

  • discussion of the concept
  • drafting up a constitution
  • registering the enitity

Community benefits will include opportunities for;

  • members
  • suppliers
  • investors

The initial meeting will be held at the Cleantech Centre, Miro Street at 7pm October 9

For further information contact either:

Phil Malpas philm@5gen.co.nz 021 420 106  or Leigh Ramsey leigh@bfsnz.net  0274 443 015

