Celebrating Parents’ Achievement at Waitohu School


F_MY15_WaitohuSchool.jpgWaitohu School celebrated their first Computers in Homes programme on April the 22nd 2015. 9 Families completed the 20 hours of computer training at the school which was spread over ten weeks.

When the programme was first mentioned to Principal Maine Curtis he leapt at the opportunity for the families in his school who have no desktop computer or internet connection at their homes. Now each of those 9 graduates can continue in their ICT training and support their children’s digital learning from home.

An initiative of 2020 Communications Trust, The Computers in Homes programme works via low decile schools to help families in greatest need use the Internet, email and basic computer skills in their everyday lives to enhance their performance at school and at work. It is about parents engaging in their children’s school, keeping up with technology, helping with homework and learning anywhere, anytime.

Having a computer and the Internet at home means students can build on what they learn at school and research homework to produce results as well as anyone else.

For a cost of $50, families receive free training, a recycled computer, 12 month subsidised Internet connection and technical support. They can be part of the digital world

Currently the Computers in Homes programme has been in Whakatupuranga Rua Mano, Otaki College and Otaki School as well.

Waitohu School is also working alongside the Te Reanga Ipurangi Trust to support those families who are taking part in their Chromebook initiative.

Ann Chapman